Ship classification has been at the core of the RINA business since its inception. Today, this business sector represents 26% of the RINA’s turnover, making it one of the top ranking marine classification societies in the world. RINA is a founding member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), formed in 1968.
RINA is authorized to carry out surveys on board by 116 international flag authorities.
RINA integrated services for the complete shipping cycle including design, building, shipyard management, inspection and testing of materials / components and surveys to maintain the class are used by merchant ships, ferries, ro-ro, yachts, cruise ships, naval vessels and offshore vessels.
News summary

New CO2 emissions tracking tool
Sea Index® and RINA are collaborating on the next addition to their methodology, focusing on the life-cycle impact of fuels, from conventional to biofuels…

Yachting in a new generation
Stefano de Vivo, Chief Commercial Officer, Ferretti Group, on the latest technologies in sustainable yachting and marketing to a new generation of owners…

Rina exceed half a billion in revenue
The financial statement for 2021 reveals revenues of 533 million Euros, up 14% compared to the previous year…

'Tis the season...
For us to stage the next leg of The Superyacht Forum Live Tour, in the City of London…

Painting ourselves into a corner
What are the consequences of the industry's quest for digitalisation and data transparency?