- Business - No Jacket Required….British Columbia

By SuperyachtNews

No Jacket Required….British Columbia

Martin Redmayne reveals details of a superyacht event like no other, with a focus on enjoying the outdoors and having serious conversations in unique places…

Having just spent four days in Victoria, British Columbia, I wanted to give everyone an update on our plans for The Superyacht Forum Live – Pacific Tour. We have chosen perhaps the most incredible, unique and stunning location for an event, surrounded by clean water, private islands, untapped oxygen and real wilderness.

My intensive trip was designed to scope out the region and understand the potential not only for hosting our Pacific Tour but to understand the potential of the region as a cruising ground for the future. Exploring the infrastructure, the facilities, the anchorages and the hospitality that a yacht owner or yacht captain could expect if they ventured to the Pacific North West.

So, to explain the plan for the Pacific Tour in June, having now experienced the location first-hand, is to ensure that our delegates, partners and speakers are able to have unique conversations, discussions and debates in places that are designed to stimulate the senses.

The first day of our Tour will take all guests on a 130’ local explorer yacht, MY Ascente, across the sea and cruise in and around some of the incredible islands about 40 mins away from Victoria and anchor off for a series of meetings, conversations and keynote debates. This unique backdrop, along with the sound of the ocean will create the perfect atmosphere for stimulating discussion and free-thinking. This will be followed by a relaxed dinner by the harbour, with whiskies and cigars by the fire – hosted at Victoria International Marina.

Day two will be even more unique and stimulating. All guests will be invited to wear outdoor shoes or trainers for a brief bus ride to Dean Park, a wilderness forest less than 40 minutes outside of Victoria B.C. Having walked through this bright green environment, I noticed the boost of oxygen and therefore we expect all the guests to enjoy a light walk through the forest, to find some secluded spots for a series of brainstorms and workshops like they have never experienced, where their brains are both energised and stimulated by the incredible sensory experience, not to mention the freshest air I’ve ever encountered. More discussions and meetings and debates will take place back at Victoria, ending the day with a wilderness barbeque in the evening, stocked with fresh salmon, cod, halibut, venison and lamb, not to mention local B.C wines and beers.

Finally, Day three moves to another level and the “piece de resistance”. Every guest will be asked to get ready for a morning on the beach and not any ordinary beach, a local beach covered in aged logs and regional debris from the logging industry. Here everyone will be split into workshop groups and asked to build their own workshop space out of logs– where they will spend two hours blue sky thinking about strategic opportunities that will make the Pacific, a long-term future playground. This beach is guaranteed to not only be the most photogenic and Instagram’able meeting place but will inspire ideas and conversations that no conference room will ever generate. Following the unique beach brainstorm, we will relocate to a local private island, a few miles from Victoria, for a long leisurely lunch on the private terrace of a beautiful residence, with seals, otters and maybe an Orca or two passing by the island.

Having now seen the locations and the opportunity that the Pacific Northwest can deliver to the superyacht market, combined with the knowledge that there are hundreds of UHNWIs within an hour or two of Victoria, in Vancouver, Seattle and San Francisco, we are excited at the prospect of building a Pacific Tour over the next three years that can map out the potential and engage with the family offices, wealth managers and private clients who are residing in and around Victoria and Vancouver Island. Yes, the region is wild and needs an adventurous type of client, but I can assure you that when you hear the names of some of the residents, there are billionaires who live locally, that own some of the wild private islands and regularly spend their private time fishing, walking, boating and playing in the wilderness that is British Columbia.

The closing message to this brief update on my trip to Victoria B.C, is that this Superyacht Forum Live - Pacific Tour will be very different, both healthy and inspiring, where everyone will focus on enjoying the outdoors, having serious conversations in unique places and definitely no jacket will be required.

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Victoria International Marina

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No Jacket Required….British Columbia


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