- Business - The Superyacht New Build Report

By SuperyachtNews

The Superyacht New Build Report

The next issue has arrived. We analyse delivery history, explore the order book and, crucially, forecast where the market is heading.…

There are a number of crucial sectors in the superyacht market that without which the industry would simply no longer function. None, however, can claim the primacy of the new build sector. Without new superyachts being delivered and ordered the market would become stagnant and flat. Within The Superyacht New Build Report, we explore in granular detail this most foundational of sectors by breaking down the market into nuanced subsectors and vitally, where possible, forecasting where the market is headed.

The first section of The Superyacht New Build Report analyses the state of the new build market by considering historical performance, forecasting the growth of the fleet using a variety of scenario models, measuring growth against global UHNW numbers, breaking down the designer/naval architecture landscape, eulogising about the return of the large sailing yacht market, sharing predictions and much much more.

This edition of The Superyacht New Build Report is perhaps the first new-build analysis in recent years that can claim to be truly optimistic. By now everyone is aware of the excellent performance of the market’s core sectors as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, that does not mean that there are no challenges ahead for the new-build market.

The second section of the report, entitled ‘New-build trends and tribulations’, explores some of the less central themes of the new-build market. Foundational new-build data plays a huge part in understanding the market and forecasting where it is likely to be in a number of years, but it can’t tell you everything about this broad, complex and essential sector of the industry. Sometimes alternative data sets or anecdotal evidence can be more illuminating. In this section, we break down the new-build market further into a series of more nuanced and challenging topics:

  • What proportion of superyachts, and within which size ranges, return for 12-month warranty works?
  • How are explorers defined and how quickly is the market growing?
  • Is the fleet prepared for an alternative energy revolution?
  • What is the trajectory of the large superyacht sector?
  • How will the new build market evolve in the coming years?
  • How popular are support vessels and are they being used properly?
  • What impact will the cost of raw materials have on superyacht manufacturing?

The new-build sector is enjoying a period of rude health, but it is not a sector with infinite capacity and, therefore, key players must continue to invest and evolve if they hope to correct the imbalance between growing UHNW numbers and the rate of growth within the new-build market. If the order book proves to be accurate we should expect over the next few years that delivery figures will grow towards the pre-2008 levels of activity, but this growth must come with a word of caution as challenges relating to capacity and raw material costs begin to come evermore into play.

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