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Wavefront Announces Shipment of First Batch of Vigilant FLS® 600

Wavefront, a leader in innovative sonar technology, is thrilled to announce the shipment of the first batch of its highly anticipated Vigilant FLS® 600. This latest addition to the Vigilant family of forward looking sonars will see the first units ins

OYS Congratulate Service Agent Marine Results on 20th Anniversary Year

It’s 2003 and professional sailors Ed Danby and Ben Wood decided to turn their hand to rigging and were the founding owners of Marine Results, later to be joined by Jon Morris. Just down the road was a rigging company gaining traction in the market

Superyacht Management Operations: How Robust Is Your Setup?

Aside from the obvious 24-hour nature of yachting, Mast Security explains that there are clear legal requirements for those operating a yacht to have procedures in place to ensure that any emergency, whether safety or security-related, is responded to pro

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