Sea change in action
SuperyachtNews meets Adame Ahmed, a participant in the UKSA's Sea.Change programme, at the Monaco Yacht Show 2023…
Autumn in Europe sees a flurry of charitable events across the superyacht industry. From golf weeks in Palma to half marathons across London, September and October are a busy time for philanthropic ventures. In the hectic weeks of the show season, it can be easy for these efforts and the money they raise to feel abstract and disconnected. As we roll from one show to the next, and the press releases fill the inboxes, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the causes we support and the real impact that they can have.
Adame Ahmed had completed his fully-funded residential Sea.Change Foundation programme, designed specifically for students from low-income areas in the UK who want to embark on careers in the maritime sector. He was now moving on to his Further Education course (NCFE in Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Level 3) and spoke to SuperyachtNews about his experience, alongside UKSA CEO Ben Willows onboard M/Y Loyalty at the Monaco Yacht Show 2023.
Edmiston and the Edmiston Foundation are one of UKSA's largest industry partners and invited Adame to work with them at MYS after hearing him speak at an event hosted at Trinity House with UKSA's Patron HRH Princess Anne in June 2023. At the time, they were discussing how transformational his experience on the water has been and how he plans to progress his career at sea.
Hearing Adame’s passion for an industry he had no idea existed before starting his journey with UKSA was a reminder of how we, as an industry, must work harder to be more inclusive as we attract young talent to career pathways. It also served as motivation for the dozens of runners that then took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon on October 8th to raise funds for the Sea.Change programme. A run that, at the time of writing, had raised over £10,000, smashing its target of £5,000.
Funds raised through challenge events, such as the Royal Parks half marathon, support UKSA’s transformational work. UKSA's pathway program includes its funded Sea.Change Foundation program, which Adame participated in. He is due to start his full cadetship in September 2024, and, as he mentions, then move on to an officer's role on board a superyacht.
UKSA is a maritime youth charity and a training centre of excellence. Its stated goal is to inspire and support children and young people to broaden their horizons through education and training for careers at sea. UKSA’s ambition is to work with more and more children and young people who need their help most, helping build positive futures and pathways into maritime employment.
Young men and women from minority communities and low socio-economic groups, particularly those living in inner-city areas, are less likely to participate in outdoor and maritime activities, and this inevitably has a knock-on effect in terms of the representation of people from these groups working in the maritime sector.
By removing financial and social barriers through providing funding, their hope is that everyone from all walks of life can access its programs. They rely on the generosity of donors and partners to help transform children and young people’s lives. To donate or contribute, please reach out to the team at UKSA.
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