- Company Directory - Wavefront Systems


Wavefront apply engineering excellence to the problems of underwater detection and navigation. Our operationally proven market-leading sonar systems are reliable, easy to use and designed to provide real-world solutions.
Our key products are Vigilant Forward Looking Sonar (FLS), Sentinel Intruder Detection (IDS), Solstice Side Scanning Multi-aperture Sonar (MAS) and Sentry Integrity Monitoring.
Our sonar technology allows us to make the underwater world visible to our customers.



Camway, West 303, High Street
Sparkford, Yeovil
BA22 7JQ


Name:Andy Covey
Tel:+44 (0)1252 412266 Ext. 132

Product summary

Image for Vigilant FLS - Forward Looking Sonar

Transform your vessel’s underwater situational awareness with Vigilant. Vigilant Forwar d Looking Sonar's automated alarms highlight hidden objects, including ice, containers and marine mammals, in the water column up to 1500m ahead. With unrivalled resolution and detail, it delivers real-time, easily interpreted 3D terrain maps of the seabed ahead.

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Image for Sentinel IDS - Intruder Detection Sonar

The next generation of our world-leading intruder detection system (IDS). Sentinel IDS ou r widely deployed intruder detection system, is more advanced than ever. By providing enhanced tracking and visualization capabilities, Sentinel 2 will ensure your vessels, oil platforms, waterside facilities and national infrastructure are protected.

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News summary

Image for Future focus on forward-looking sonar systems

Future focus on forward-looking sonar systems

Situational awareness for navigation and manoeuvring takes on a new dimension with Wavefront…


Press releases

Wavefront Announces Shipment of First Batch of Vigilant FLS® 600

Wavefront, a leader in innovative sonar technology, is thrilled to announce the shipment of the first batch of its highly anticipated Vigilant FLS® 600. Thi…

Press Release 16 Jul 2024

Simultaneous In-band Active & Passive Sonar (SInAPs) Goes Mobile

There is no doubt that as technology advances, whatever sector it may be in, not a week goes by without new and improved products launching onto the market…

Press Release 24 Aug 2023

Minimise the risk of underwater collisions grounding with Vigilant

One modern sea-faring focus is health and safety. Anyone out on the open seas should be looking to keep their vessel, passengers and crew safe, doing all they c…

Press Release 21 Sep 2022

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