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By SuperyachtNews


ERMA FIRST brings the smallest and easiest to install ballast water treatment system to the market…

ERMA FIRST, the leading ballast water treatment manufacturer, brings to the international superyacht market the smallest and easiest to install ballast water treatment system. Large or smaller superyachts, that previously relied either on bulky ballast water treatment systems that were designed for the large commercial markets or other methods to obtain optimum trim and stability conditions, finally have a solution that fits their requirements.

“The challenge is how to protect the marine environment from the invasion of harmful aquatic species in ballast water carried by superyachts around the world,” starts Konstantinos Dimopoulos, International Sales Manager for oneTANK BWTS at ERMA FIRST. “These invasive aquatic micro-organisms can disrupt the ecological balance of local aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, the IMO adopted the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments in 2004. On 8 September 2017, the convention entered into force. Also, United States Coast Guard (USCG) has established regulations to reduce such risks that result from the transfer of ballast water around the world. Consequently, superyachts that sail in international waters are required to have a process for ballast water management on board for the efficient and compliant discharge of it.”

Typically, ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) have been mainly associated with the large commercial vessels and the extent to which they load and unload cargo regularly. However, due to their large footprint, the complexity of installation, and total space required, they are not suitable for the superyacht market, especially given the constant challenges of restricted Engine Room spaces and the desire to maximise accommodation areas. Therefore, a gap is created in the market for a system that satisfies ballast water management regulations and can fit inside the Engine Room.

“We believe that oneTANK BWTS fills this gap in the ballast water treatment market,” continues Dimopoulos. “The oneTANK solution has an incredibly small footprint. In fact, this is the most compact BWTS available and the advantages of such a system go beyond design and Engine Room space because it has a huge impact on the ability of existing superyachts to retrofit the systems by occupying the minimum space onboard and reducing costs by limiting the workmanship requirements and materials for installation.”

Smaller-sized existing yachts utilise alternative practices like permanent ballast, freshwater, or frequent transfer of the latter between the tanks. While larger superyachts get oversized and complicated systems for which the BWTS installation becomes critical. Moreover, bulky systems come at a significant cost in terms of purchasing a unit, conducting an engineering study and materialising the installation. “Most of the conventional BWTS incorporate filters and disinfect ballast water by electrolysis or UV technology. This leads to a complex installation because of the numerous components, especially the bulky ones.”

“By contrast, oneTANK BWTS with minimised parts has an operational philosophy that is completely different because it refers to ‘in-tank’ rather than ‘in-line’ treatment,” says Dimopoulos. “Most systems refer to in-line treatment and operate during ballasting or de-ballasting. Nevertheless, superyachts are not highly ballast-dependent, thus we have created a solution that treats ballast water within a circulation loop during transit time between ballasting and de-ballasting operations.”

The oneTANK system is a game-changer; a simple, compact, low cost, and fully automated solution, making it ideal for superyachts. The refitting is fast, flexible, and economical. At less than 1m2 of footprint and a 216 kgs weight, oneTANK’s physical footprint is negligible when compared to its nearest competitor. oneTANK is a one size fits all solution.

“I’ve heard many cases wherein installers were forced to break down a skid-mounted BWTS into loose components to transfer and accommodate the system in the Engine Room. The oneTANK BWTS, by comparison, is plug and play and incredibly compact,” comments Dimopoulos.

At its core, Ballast Water Management aims to protect the aquatic ecosystems that the superyacht industry is reliant on. oneTANK BWTS has broken the mould and it is finally providing superyachts with a practical, cost-efficient system that manages all the legacy issues created by the conventional, bulky systems that were designed for larger commercial vessels but made available to the superyacht market.

ERMA FIRST and oneTANK add value across the entire superyacht lifecycle. Not only is the environment protected through the essential Ballast Water Treatment System, but buyers also benefit from a variety of spatial and cost efficiencies that are too frequently lacking within the superyacht environment.

Forget about fresh water transferring, fuel transferring, permanent ballast water or troubleshooting the conventional BWTS and enjoy yacht life. oneTANK is your Ballast Water Treatment steward onboard.

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