- Company Directory - AM Yacht Design (Alberto Mancini)


“AM Yacht Design” based in Trieste, in order to follow his main target and philosophy: “Absolute pure and sleek design inspired by nature and research technology“

AM Yacht Design is now working on several executive projetcs such as the Mangusta Oceano 42mt  just unveiled at MYS,  the flying bridge series of Dominator Yachts  and the super fast Revolver boats 44′ GT / 43′ CC,

AM studio have just  presented at Cannes Boat Show, MYS and Genoa the  44mt Baglietto “Monokini ” and the Dominator 640 winner of 2 Interior Design Awards (Festival de La Plaisance),

The Studio has also developed some exciting design concepts as the aggressive sport yacht Magnum 100 and Magnum 70 for the famous American Brand Magnum Marine of Miami, as well as the Otam 100.



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Image for New Tankoa 76m Apache with Alberto Mancini design

New Tankoa 76m Apache with Alberto Mancini design

T760 Apache: The new 76m superyacht concept has been revealed at Monaco Yacht Show…


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