- Company Directory - RED LION YACHTING S.a.r.l.


RED LION YACHTING has strong ties with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, renowned for its banking system as well as its insurance companies. Both countries are strongly involved in international yachting and complement each other in various fields. Luxembourg offers a great number of companies specialized in the management of yachts whereas the Principality of Monaco, thanks to its exceptional geographical situation, is confronted with the daily reality of yachting : sales, charters, technical assistance, organization of events, crew placement. Thanks to its experience of many years in the field the RED LION YACHTING team rises to the challenge, trying to meet all of the owner's requests. As the size of yachts continues to grow, regulations are getting stricter. Whether we are dealing with private yachts or commercial cruising ships, each aspect of operating a yacht in international waters deserves careful analysis, a service our expert team of professionals gladly provides. Taxes, VAT exemptions, the laws of different countries… the complexity is great and more and more owners are relying on our expertise.


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