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Shipbuilding and yachting: what lies ahead?

The Superyacht Group announces partnership with The Economist’s Sea Tourism Summit 2020…

The Superyacht Group is delighted to now reveal its partnership with Economist Events for the Sea Tourism Summit on January 17th 2020, in Düsseldorf, hosted by Boot, the world’s largest boat show.

Throughout the year, Economist Events translates the informed analysis and intelligent debate that is at the heart of The Economist into a series of international, interactive forums. From the World Ocean Summit, to the Sustainability Summit, Climate Risk Summit, and The Future of Business, the topics chosen endeavour to tackle those of particular interest to their readers and the wider population.

The Economist argues that while certain aspects of globalisation, such as the efforts to make transport and communication more readily available to citizens, and an increased interest in travelling abroad have favoured this sector, the aftermath of the last global recession, as well as tight government budgets have raised new concerns and challenges...

Sea tourism is a vital part of the tourism industry, as well as a means of growth and innovation for many coastal economies. The Economist argues that while certain aspects of globalisation, such as the efforts to make transport and communication more readily available to citizens, and an increased interest in travelling abroad have favoured this sector, the aftermath of the last global recession, as well as tight government budgets have raised new concerns and challenges, and the Sea Tourism Summit looks to cover a wide range of these.

As discussed at length at The Superyacht Forum 2019, and a theme that will be central to The Superyacht Design Forum 2020, the environmental crisis is not one that our industry can ignore. We must build on the environmental awareness of each sector of the superyacht industry, and act as a driver for the sustainability dialogue, rather than looking at it solely as a threat to business for those within the luxury sector.

The Sea Tourism Summit is therefore appropriately entitled, “Navigating an ocean of opportunities”, and The Superyacht Group is looking forward to joining a group of distinguished leaders from government, politics and business, as well as officials from the EU and the international institutions who are taking part in this forward-thinking dialogue.

The session entitled ‘Shipbuilding and Yachting: What lies ahead?’ will see Martin Redmayne, chairman & editor in chief – The Superyacht Group; Paolo Vitelli, president – Azimut Benetti Group; Antony Sheriff, executive chairman – Princess Yachts; and Massimo Perotti, chairman and CEO – Sanlorenzo, discuss this pressing question...

At 12:10 pm, the session entitled ‘Shipbuilding and Yachting: What lies ahead?’ will see Martin Redmayne, chairman & editor in chief – The Superyacht Group; Paolo Vitelli, president – Azimut Benetti Group; Antony Sheriff, executive chairman – Princess Yachts; and Massimo Perotti, chairman and CEO – Sanlorenzo, discuss this pressing question, as well as the alternative ownership and charter models that will become available in the future, how we can get the new generation involved, and the on-board vs. shore debate regarding how we can develop better-connecting channels.

The backing of globally respected publications such as The Economist provides us with an additional platform to further share the sustainable initiatives and latest developments within the superyacht industry that those external to it may be unaware of. The Superyacht Group looks forward to this opportunity and beginning 2020 by underlining the focus on the future of planet superyacht...

Follow the conversation on January 17th 2020 here:

Twitter: @superyachtnews, @Economist_SEUR, #EconSeaTourism
Instagram: @thesuperyachtgroup

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Azimut Benetti

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Princess Yachts

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Shipbuilding and yachting: what lies ahead?


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